Protection Spell for Physical and Emotional Safety

Ensuring a safe and secure environment is paramount for your well-being. This protection spell serves to shield you and your loved ones from negative energies, psychic attacks, and harmful influences, fostering a sense of security and peace.


  • White candle
  • Black tourmaline crystal
  • Frankincense or sage incense
  • Protective herbs (e.g., rosemary, basil, bay leaves)
  • Salt
  • Optional: Protective sigil or symbol


  1. Begin by cleansing your space and yourself, using sage smudging or saltwater purification, to create a sacred atmosphere.

  2. Light the white candle and frankincense or sage incense, allowing their purifying energy to fill the space.

  3. Hold the black tourmaline crystal in your hand, focusing on its protective properties. Feel its energy merging with yours, forming a powerful shield against negativity.

  4. Sprinkle a circle of salt around your ritual space, further fortifying the protective barrier.

  5. If available, hold or visualize a protective sigil or symbol, imbuing it with your intention for safeguarding.

  6. Recite the following incantation or craft your own:

    "By light and love's power,
    I banish harm from this hour.
    With spirits of protection, I call
    To shield me and mine, strong and tall.
    As I will, so mote it be."

  7. Envision a sphere of white light enveloping you, extending outward to encompass your space and those within it, repelling negativity.

  8. Place the black tourmaline crystal on your altar or carry it as a protective talisman. Consider burying it at the corners of your property or near entrances for added security.

  9. Allow the candle and incense to burn fully, symbolizing the continuous protection the spell offers.

  10. Express gratitude to the universe, guides, and any deities or spirits invoked for their assistance in creating a secure environment.

Perform this protection spell regularly with genuine intention to reinforce your energetic boundaries and shield against harm, both physical and emotional. Trust in your magic's potency, knowing you're surrounded by divine protection.
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